Quality Management
Pharmoveo develops quality management systems specifically for pharmaeucital development divisions. Quality management concepts can be newly developed or optimizations of existing systems. The support can include the overall project management and creation or optimization of the necessary quality management documentation system as well as the design of facilities and necessary equipment qualifications. Our experts accompany Your personnel throughout the entire implementation phase. If desired we also support Your company during internal as well as external audits. As a special service we offer documentational support throughout the data compilation phase.
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Our Portfolio:
It is important to our experts that a quality management system for a pharmaceutical development division is on the one hand compliant with the current guidelines. On the other hand it should consider the requirements of development work. The amount and type of experiments performed throughout the development should be in a reasonable ratio as compared to the time spent on documentation, qualification and validation procedures to ensure the desired product quality.
According to Your needs we plan and optimize for You and together with You Your cGMP-compliant production facilities.
Quality Management Concept
According to Your needs our experts create a specification sheet for the changes to be made. They develop a concept for the implementation or optimization of Your quality management system. This includes all steps necessary to reach Your goals including a responsibility plan adjusted to Your time schedule. For a successful quality management implemenation it is important for us to include the responsable personnel at Your site already in the beginning when creating the specification sheet.
The experts at Pharmoveo understand their primary work to be the coordinator of all individual activities performed during the planning and implementation phase of Your quality management system. They are the expert support in technical questions to occur. If requested ideas of process optimizations will be developed as well.
As an additional service we offer documentational support.
Our experts support You with technical expertise during internal as well as external audits within the area of pharmaceutical technology.
Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to management methods used to enhance quality and productivity in organizations, particularly businesses. This includes creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, as well as quality control and quality improvement. Total quality management includes techniques for achieving efficiency, solving problems, imposing standardization and statistical control, and regulating aspects of business or production processes.
Quality management is a continuous process of reducing or eliminating errors in manufacturing, streamlining supply chain management, improving the customer experience and ensuring that employees are up-to-speed with their training. Total quality management aims to hold all parties involved in the production process as accountable for the overall quality of the final product or service.
Joseph Jablonski, author of Implementing TQM, identified three characteristics necessary for total quality management to succeed within an organization: participative management; continuous process improvement; and the utilization of teams.