Pharmoveo organizes and accompanies the transfer of development projects. This includes the areas of project management, analytics and formulation. Special intercultural competence within our team exists for transfer from and to Germany, India and North America. In preparation of a transfer one of our special services is the training of Your technical project members in intercultural team work.
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Our portfolio:
Pharmoveo arranges project transfers. Most important for us in this regard is to do so efficiently. To transfer the maximum know how while taking minimum time is our goal. Therefore it is most important to be optimally prepared.
Transfer Organization
Our experts divide a transfer into three parts project management, analytics and formulation. Depending on the project status at which the project is transferred and according to the information given by the participating responsible persons a transfer plan ist created including time and content.
If requested our experts regularly controll the transfer progress, create the transfer documenation and organize shipping and customs formalities.
Personal Attendance of Transfers
Our experts will attend the transfer activities personally. They will accompany the experiments to be performed. Technical problems can be solved directly allowing time efficiency. During intercultural transfer projects it also is a measure of quality assurance.
As a special service we offer the training of Your team participating in the transfer in intercultural team work.